1-Day hands-on courses
Please view below our upcoming hands-on courses and e-learning modules.
For more information about our courses, please contact us at info@cutaneous.org.
Upcoming facial ultrasound courses
Ultrasound guided injections
course (advanced)
April 10, 2025
São Paulo
São Paulo
Join Dr.Rosa Sigrist and Dr. Leonie Schelke in a 1-day class in São Paulo, where, by the end of the day, you have gained advanced skills needed to implement ultrasound as a safety and quality enhancement tool in your daily practice.
Cutaneous x N2 Aesthetics: Facial Ultrasound Best Practices
May 17, 2025
Manhattan Beach CA
Manhattan Beach CA
Join Dr. Leonie Schelke and Dr. Barbara Parda in a 1-day class in Gdańsk, where, by the end of the day, you have gained the basic skills needed to implement ultrasound as a safety and quality enhancement tool in your daily practice.
Cutaneous x N2: Advanced Ultrasound for Complication Management
May 18, 2025
Manhattan Beach CA
Manhattan Beach CA
Join Dr. Schelke, the world’s leading expert on the utilization of ultrasound for complication management in Aesthetic Medicine, and Nicola Lowrey MPAP, PA-C, a global KOL and member of the CMAC international expert board, focusing on complications with HA fillers and management of these complications utilizing ultrasound guidance.
Ultrasound guided injections basic course Gdańsk
June 15, 2025
The Cutaneous Ultrasound guided injections basic course in Gdańsk is a 1-day hands-on & theory course designed to make you ready for the use of facial ultrasound imaging in your own office. By the end of the day you have gained the basic skills needed to implement ultrasound as a safety and quality enhancement tool in your daily practice.
Ultrasound guided deep injections
advanced course
November 17, 2025
Join Dr. Leonie Schelke and Dr. Barbara Parda in a 1-day class in Warsaw, where, by the end of the day, you have gained advanced skills needed to implement ultrasound as a safety and quality enhancement tool in your daily practice.
Online learning modules
Please view below our learning modules and click here for our hands-on courses.
For more information about our online course modules, please contact us at info@cutaneous.org.
Basic ultrasound course
New to ultrasound? Start here
The Basic online facial ultrasound course is an online self-paced program offered to you in thematic ‘modules’ that are complimented by a virtual classroom when completed.
Learn all about facial anatomy
Discover 7 segments (jawline, lips, temples, forehead, nose, chin and midface) with 3 parts; First, the anatomy of one of the areas by Prof. Sebastian Cotofana, second the use of ultrasound by Dr. Leonie Schelke and thirdly, the visible interpretation and recognition of the different layers of the face with overlay and ultrasound images.
Clinical application
Learn more about clinical application for facial ultrasound
This online course package contains all 10 modules of the clinical application of duplex ultrasound: The forehead, the nose, the zygoma, the pyriform, the midface, the lips, the NLF, the med soof, the temples and jawline with videos by dr. Peter Velthuis and Dr. Leonie Schelke.
Vascular adverse events
Learn all about complication management
Welcome to the vascular adverse events online course. This online course consists of an introduction by dr. Peter Velthuis, a video presentation of approximately 60 minutes by dr. Leonie Schelke and an exam.
50 Shades of grey webinars
Get access to 5 episodes (7,5 hours) of this live webinar series in collaboration with Prof. Sebastian Cotofana
70 shades of grey’ is a live monthly occurring webinar organized by the Cutaneous group in collaboration with Prof. Sebastian Cotofana. This live webinar will display how to use facial ultrasound and certain areas of the face.
Cutaneous Library
Get access to thousands of ultrasound images and videos and learn to recognize layers and structures
Get access to the facial ultrasound library with thousands of ultrasound images and videos created by Dr. Peter Velthuis and Dr. Leonie Schelke. The library is developed to learn to recognize layers and structures based of ultrasound images and videos and also to present the latest discoveries in the medical field.
Complete e-learning package
Receive all learning modules including the webinars and Cutaneous Library with 25% discount
Our comprehensive bundle package has everything you need and is created by top experts based on the latest science and clinical practices—all from one easy package.